Reclaim your Health, Supercharge your Energy

Reclaim your Health, Supercharge your  energy and Rise like a phoenix from the ashes

Is your dwindling Energy and health holding you back? Successful women like you can often be so driven achieving their career or family goals that their health gets left behind. By the time you get to your mid 30’s or 40’s you realise that you have spent the last decade using up your reserves and you are now operating on empty.

You may not realise it now, but this is an amazing opportunity to reset. Your body is telling you its time for change. Get clever about your health, you can have it all.

So if you are ready to reclaim your Health, Supercharge your  energy and Rise like a phoenix from the ashes carry on reading.

Complete Health Success system in six months

  • Breakthrough Experience – This is where we decode the path that has brought you to you now. Find the messages in your dis-ease and plot the map to greater ‘wellness’ than you have ever experienced. This deep reflective journey allows you to gently discover whats been holding you back. It incorporates powerful techniques enabling you to let go of the past and get clarity on your future.

Value £497

  • Creating energy sessions – Plans become action, to enable you to move forward with ease, in a way that actually super charges your energy rather than spends it!

Value £1782

  • Support – You don’t have to do it on your own anymore. I am your ‘go to’ whenever it gets tough. This package includes unlimited Email access support, questions and encouragement

Value Priceless

  • Full holistic health assessment  This means we get on the right  course of treatment straight away. It makes sense of all those energy draining symptoms (bloating, mood swings, headaches) which don’t seem to add up.

Value £247

  • Individualised herbal formulae’s  Monthly health assessments will allow us to tweak your personalised formulae to increase your energy and get rid of old symptoms

Value £1782

  • Find the energy drain lab test– A food intolerance or Hormone profile test will be included in your package. Your health assessment will tell us a lot about what going on but the more we know mean we get to those results even quicker

Value £ 250

Bonus One – Nutrition overhaul – declutter your diet  and find out what fuels You best.  Not everyone requires the same diet, this is about finding out whats right for you. You will be educated on what you need to do to get you to your optimum speed.  Includes  Supplement Recommendations, Targeted supplement advice will be given. No more rattling with pills!


Bonus Two-‘The disciplined shall inherit the earth journal’ Will keep you on track with your new habits – Learn insider tricks  on how to create energy and sky rocketing joy which will last long after our 6 months together.

Total Value £5005  Your investment £,2047 (Please ask about our payment plan)

If you would like to take advantage of this offer please book a free consultation here.  This kind of work is intensive and you need to be a great match with your practitioner.  You will only be invited into the process if Roisin is confident that this is really the right way forward for you and that you are ready to get the best out of this process.